Providing drone tech solutions to the most complex industries in the world

We are a pioneer in the use and evolution of drone technology designed to provide industry-specific solutions

Incorporated in 2016, AERIUM builds on over 40 years (and two generations) of professional services consultancy experience from its founders and sister company, Lorrnel Group. From our humble roots in providing more accurate data capture for our clients, we have evolved into a business that is focused on providing industry-specific drone technology solutions.
We’re pleased to have been able to provide unparalleled value return and insights into the forestry, energy, mining, and logistics sectors since 1982. Decades of experience in these areas gives us a solid knowledge base and a rich understanding of specific industry issues and how our drone solutions can best address them.

Problems we solve

Our drone solutions architects integrate the best in technology solutions, focused on:
Aerium Analytics | Drone Technology Solutions - Competitive Advantage

Our collective values set us apart

1. Innovation drives success

AERIUM is driven by opportunities to offer innovative value to clients through cutting-edge technology and solutions. This constant innovation is a huge competitive differentiator.

2. Grow our company, grow our people

Building a great business starts with its people. By addressing the needs and passions of our team members, AERIUM encourages employee welfare and shows support for our vision and collective goals.
Each of our valued team members brings their own specific and tangible skills to the organization and cultivating these skills to build a cohesive and cooperative team is a key to success.
AERIUM believes in working as a team in an agile environment, which in turn creates plenty of opportunity for collaboration and innovation. We believe in training and promoting from within wherever possible.

3. Collaboration supports new solutions

We focus on long-term relationships where collaboration drives the end solution. By working with clients and industry partners to conceive, develop, test, and deploy new innovations, we develop in-demand solutions for today’s problems.
This culture of collaboration extends to our entire team; staff are encouraged to explore new ideas and methodologies. We don’t believe there is failure – just learning.

4. We are results-oriented

At AERIUM we believe that each action must drive the organization forward in a positive trajectory with a targeted outcome. Technical developments are based on specific desired outcomes. Short-term gains take a backseat to longer term goals with defined outcomes.

5. Culture of safety

We prioritize personnel, site, and equipment safety above all else. This culture of safety is maintained throughout all aspects of operations, from the field to our corporate office.
The nature of the sites where we operate (including airports, natural resource extraction sites, and worksites among others), requires that pilots and equipment are held to exceptional standards. Our technology supports traditional, regulatory-heavy industries to work more safely and efficiently.

Our core leadership team

Connie Down-Cicoria

Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Jordan Cicoria

President and Chief Executive Officer

Jeff Beeston

Chief Financial Officer

Connect with our business development team today

Our advisory team

As AERIUM continues to advance its technological development roadmap, we’ve assembled an advisory group that bring additional technical and industry expertise to the team. Collectively our team has extensive experience in research and development, emerging technology, and airport business development.

Erika Carrasco

Advisory Board Member

Myron Keehn

Advisory Board Member

Kris Matthews

Advisory Board Member

Yves Savoir

Advisory Board Member

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