Drone solutions for Energy and Mining

In 2021 AERIUM helped an oil sands producer reduce bird mortalities on tailing ponds by 75%

Disruptive innovation for high-risk operations

AERIUM is a company of problem solvers. We listen, learn, identify pain points, and create customized solutions that solve energy and mining sector problems.

Utilizing our proprietary drone, RoBird®, along with our geospatial intelligence and automated data and surveillance capabilities, energy and mining companies can identify, assess, and mitigate potential hazards with great efficiency and results.

Our energy and mining integrated drone solutions include:
Industry Challenges
AERIUM Solutions
Wildlife Mitigation
On Site Management
Geospatial Intelligence
Data Automation and Surveillance
Safety and Security
Geospatial Intelligence
Data Automation and Surveillance
OnSite Management
Wildlife Mitigation
Infrastructure Management
Safety and Security
AERIUM Solutions
Geospatial Intelligence
Data Automation and Surveillance
Geospatial Intelligence
Data Automation and Surveillance
It is estimated that between 500,000 to 750,000 birds are killed in tailing ponds annually in the U.S.

Wildlife Mitigation

The Problem

Oil and natural gas projects occur in areas that are home to diverse species of birds. Protection of these species is a critical consideration in planning for energy development.
Just consider the following data:
In 2015, an oil and gas producer was fined $2.75 million for the deaths of 31 great blue herons in Fort McMurray.
In Canada, the fine for avoidable bird death can go up to $1 million, or up to three years in prison.
The financial and reputational impacts from these incidents can be devastating. Current bird deterrent methods in industrial areas like oil sands and mines are ineffective, expensive, and can harm the environment.
The Solution

RoBird® – revolutionizing wildlife management

The most consistently effective bird hazing tool is a bird’s own natural enemy. RoBird® is a flapping-wing drone that mimics an actively hunting, female peregrine falcon.
Regarded as one of the most recognized and feared of all birds of prey around the globe, RoBird® naturally, humanely, and safely leverages the characteristics of the peregrine falcon to prevent birds from landing and nesting in high-risk areas in close proximity to oil and gas development projects.
This ability to manage birds in an eco-friendly manner saves costly delays, helps organizations to avoid fines and regulatory issues, and ensures the continued safety of these at-risk species.
Wildlife can be unpredictable, but it doesn’t have to be.
Aerium Analytics | Drone Technology Solutions - RoBird® (Wildlife Management)

On Site Management + Safety and Security

The Problem

Infrastructure and equipment maintenance is incredibly dangerous for workers, very costly, and tremendously inefficient.

Workers are at significant risk
Infrastructure inspections in the energy and mining sectors pose a considerable health and safety risk to workers. Dangers – including at-height falls, heavy machinery operation, gas leaks, and more – all affect worker safety.
Specific to the mining sector, stockpile management can be incredibly risky, given the ever-changing heights and breadths of stockpiles that may conceal areas of the job site.
The high cost of unplanned downtime
Equipment failure can lead to significant unplanned downtime for companies, downtime that can be incredibly expensive, reduce productivity, and result in lost revenue.
Current processes are time-consuming and inefficient
Surveying and mapping are one of the most time-consuming activities that need regular implementation by the mining industry.
Almost 350 oil and gas industry workers have died in occupational fatalities in Western Canada since 2001.

Unplanned downtime costs U.S. oil and gas companies, on average, US$42 million per year, and up to US$88 million per year.

Almost half of senior professionals in the oil and gas sector believe that there has been an underinvestment in the inspection and maintenance of infrastructure and equipment.

The Solution

AERIUM’s impact on energy and mining sites goes well beyond wildlife protection. Drones utilize LiDAR, thermal, and multispectral sensors for site mapping and inspections. The level of data collection and monitoring that AERIUM drone technology solutions enable is truly transformational for project management and safety.
Creating safer working conditions
Our trademarked Safety Operations Learning Equipment Management System (S.O.L.E. Management System®) framework allows us to provide our clients with the peace of mind that comes with working in high-risk zones with a 100% success rate.
By minimizing human exposure to heights and hazardous environments, AERIUM is able to better safeguard worker health and safety. Drone-based sensors aid in site safety and inspections for resource exploration projects. Our goal is to get people home at the end of the day. By establishing exceptional training and the highest of safety standards we have earned the confidence of clients and regulatory bodies.
Providing significant cost savings
By utilizing AERIUM’s suite of drone technology solutions, the cost for detailed aerial survey is vastly cheaper than other methods. Crews can observe remote terrain that is not easily monitored on foot or with other land equipment. AERIUM can survey sites faster than traditional methods, thereby providing energy and mining companies with required information to make business decisions faster and more accurately.
Improving productivity and efficiency
AERIUM provides a complete overview of industrial sites by delivering location referenced geospatial data in virtually any format that is compatible with construction and engineering software. 3D modeling and inspections conducted with enhanced data visualization provides a thorough insight into the infrastructure condition, with the added benefits of cost effectiveness and increased productivity.

Geospatial Intelligence

Data is king. Drone technology is the optimal vehicle to obtain those rich and revolutionary insights.
AERIUM solutions have proven to complete surveying and data collection services in much shorter timeframes than traditional methods. Significantly reducing costs and ensuring high levels of safety and compliance.

Learn more about Geospatial Intelligence solutions:

Automated Data and Surveillance

Leveraging deep knowledge of geographic information system (GIS) applications to provide best-in-class deliverables.
AERIUM’s team of machine learning and computer vision specialists are turning data into action. Through the development of real-time, automated detection and compliance solutions, we are helping our clients with actionable and auditable results.

Learn more about Data Automation and Surveillance solutions:

See RoBird® in action

RoBird® has been deployed in airport and energy industry settings thousands of times with zero safety incidents.

Helping to advance Canada’s reputation as a global leader in applied technology for environmental stewardship

Foreign Object Detection (FOD) and perimeter checks at a single airport typically produce CO2 emissions equivalent to almost 35,000 litres of gasoline consumed. AERIUM solutions can substantially reduce these emissions and can deliver similar results for the energy industry.

We operate safely and effectively in hyper-difficult areas

The AERIUM Competitive Advantage includes:

Our partnership with Imperial Oil/Exxon Mobil

Successfully protecting birds and workers from harm at oilsands facilities
In addition to bird mitigation strategies that significantly reduced landings, by using drone technology for inspecting flare stacks, we removed the need for scaffolding and dangerous at-height manual inspections. Furthermore, these flare stack inspections were completed in one hour, where previously nine days of downtime were required to undertake a similar (albeit riskier) inspection.

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