AERIUM Analytics: flying a new course
LiveTechLoveLife is a Calgary Economic Development initiative to recognize and celebrate visionaries and game changers in Calgary’s burgeoning tech ecosystem – including AERIUM Analytics, who they profiled in this piece.
“…One of the most important initiatives that AERIUM is embarking on is building out a suite of integrated geospatial data software.Geospatial data isn’t just a matter of bits and bytes—it must include location, images, optics, cloud points; in other words, it involves massive amounts of data…AERIUM is able to reduce the time spent collecting data by 40-60% as compared to ground collection—and at the same or lower cost…”
From RoBird®, AERIUM’s ornithoptor that is revolutionizing wildlife management, to geospatial intelligence and data automation solutions, AERIUM is a leader in drone technology innovation and in accruing and interpreting in-depth operational insights that gives organizations a true competitive advantage.