A global leader in drone innovation

International Airport Review

By Myron Keehn

Myron Keehn, incoming CEO for Edmonton International Airport (EIA), discusses how the organization is leading Canadian airport operations in drone innovation, in partnership with AERIUM Analytics.

“…Over the past several years, in addition to wildlife control, we have worked with AERIUM to use drones to conduct safety maintenance inspections of our runways, as well as the analysis of the precision approach lighting systems used by aircraft. We were the first Canadian airport, and AERIUM was the first drone services provider, to conduct a real-time analysis where the drone used highly specific tools to measure and collect data to help calibrate this lighting system…”

AERIUM’s partnership with EIA (which was established in 2017) has paved the way for extensive RoBird® testing, development, and commercialization – resulting in an 86% dispersal rate. This mutually beneficial relationship has allowed both parties to combine their strengths in the pursuit of regulatory and operational advancement excellence.

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