Successful showcase to the Department of National Defense
Showcase of AERIUM solutions at 5 Wing Canadian Forces base in Goose Bay, Labrador
AERIUM Analytics demonstrated a successful proof of concept to Serco Canada and Canadian Forces base management staff this week and is looking forward to ongoing collaboration. The following was demonstrated:
- Safe integration of drone operations into restricted airspace including over runways and in approach paths during normal airport operations
- Demonstration of AERIUM’s real time Foreign Object Debris (FOD) detection tools currently in development
- Demonstration of AERIUM’s airfield support services and analytics including Runway Markings analysis and Approach Path analysis
- Demonstration of AERIUM’s wildlife management solution – RoBird®
There were zero safety incidents and all data was collected in less time than anticipated even with reduced base staff on site due to the Queen’s funeral. Areas in which AERIUM solutions showed value included:
- FOD is a substantial concern with airbases and the need for FOD detection technologies is critical with upcoming planned operations at the base
- Runway analysis including markings and crack analysis were indicated to also be concerns that AERIUM could help alleviate by capturing more data quicker and helping with planning
- Perimeter security is of interest due to snow issues in the winter that make it difficult for humans to reach areas of interest
- RoBird® as a wildlife management tool – 5 Wing had seven bird strikes in the two weeks leading up to this showcase and they could immediately see need to utilize a tool like
After this successful review and evaluation of the data and future opportunities, we’ll be further exploring with Serco and the Department of National Defense how we can integrate these solutions into daily operations.
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